Bob ZeimetRecruited out of a small town in Iowa, Robert “Bob” Zeimet joined the West High faculty in 1967. As the first physics teacher at the newest school in the Kern High School District, Robert took great pride in working with the innovative Viking science department. With the synergy that comes from creativity and inspired vision, this team of science educators conceptualized and brought into existence a high school program that saw a tremendous number of graduates pursue careers in medical fields, engineering and education. Bob carried the physics load as the solo physics teacher in the department.
While at West, Zeimet pioneered innovative ways to engage students in the challenging concepts of his subject matter through the use of magic-like discrepant events. Recognizing that youth are curious and driven to find fun and excitement, Bob developed an end-of-course final for students in which they applied their newly-acquired knowledge of physics while solving real-world questions related to the theme park rides at near-by Magic Mountain. Creatively approaching the challenging subject matter of physics became Robert’s legacy at West. In addition to his contributions at WHS, Robert established his reputation as an exemplary science teacher within the broader science community as well. A frequent presenter at the Math Science and Technology Conferences held annually at CSUB in the 80’s and early 90’s, Robert frequently reconnected with former high school students as they continued to pursue their teaching credentials post college. Additionally, his passion for his content and his desire to ignite the curiosity of his students was a driving factor that lead Bob to help develop and launch the first Kern High School Physics Day Competition that was held annually at Bakersfield College; this event became the precursor to the many STEM competitions currently held in Kern County including the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Annual STEM Olympiad. Retiring after a 60 year career, it is estimated that Robert has taught and inspired over 9,000 local students. In addition to his notable career, Robert is well known in the local community as an accomplished distance runner who continues to run circles around his peers in local 5K, 10K, and half marathons. Robert is married to Karen, his wife of over 60 years. Robert quietly and humbly leads an extended family of four adult children, their respective spouses, and 12 grandchildren. |